New Dimensional Target Date Retirement Income Funds Help Tri-City Employees Retire With More Confidence

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In January of 2016, Tri-City employees will have more information about their future retirement. Thanks to the Dimensional Target Date Retirement Income Funds and some new tools, employees will have a better estimate of what their future will look like.

Dimensional’s Target Date Retirement Income Funds are based on lifecycle research in financial economics. The new funds are designed to manage market, interest rate and inflation risks during your working years and into retirement. The Target Date Retirement Income Funds investment strategy is to manage the tradeoff between investments expected to grow assets and those that can help manage risk around retirement income. The strategy is appropriate both while you are working and throughout your retirement.

Early in your working years, the strategy focuses on income-growth assets—a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds. Over time, more of your assets are invested in inflation-protected securities to help manage the risk of your future retirement income.

The heart of the new interactive system is a sophisticated calculator that provides Tri-City plan participants with a tool to better estimate what kind of future retirement income will be from their current and forthcoming savings. The new tool is available on this website.

Further the new tools will provide you with an understanding of how your investment and savings decisions of today will impact your retirement years later on. The new funds will become available to all Tri-City plan participants on January 8, 2016. If you have questions about the new funds please contact Dená Baker from Prudent Investor Advisors across from the cafeteria in the basement of the Hospital.